~luv me~

~luv me~

Sunday, July 11, 2010

let's c what i can write in this...

dimulakan dgn kalimah yg teramat mulia shingga kadang2 insan yg lemah lg hina ini terlupa untuk memberiknnya..sedangkn aku tau yg bg salam adlh digalakkn..so sambutlah salamku ini...
ASSALAMUALAIKUM kpd sume yg bce entry ini...

how should i konfess my feelin'??adakah bgs utk aku konfess dlm blog ini? sdangkn blog aku ruangn utk dbaca,dikomen,dikutuk?,dihina?,should i?
but what i care?this is my blog,so whatever la i want to do what...
lately,my feeling does not feeling well...really am not feeling well..ya allah
how should i b peace n calm??even i cried 4 long time,as well i dont have the reason 4 my crying soon,i will regret it...menyesal utk ape?enth..aku sndri pn xtau..

kwn?rkn?shbt?mane yg ditakrifkn sbg sejati?kwn yg bergelak ketawa aku mmg dpt cari tp shbt yg mnangis bersama aku gagal mncari..kdg2 aku jauh ktinggalan dlm mndptkn tmn sperjuangan..dlm dkwah?dlm stdy?..andai sja aku dpt undurkn mase spt dlm cite doreamon kn bgs...nothing to thinking rite now...zero..heart will not hurt..
by the way,my path have to go on...sis,pliss give me some strength..
feeling not well,aku kdg2 tersungkur juga dlm hanyutan dunia..perlukah aku terus hanyut tanpa dibagunkn oleh sesiapa?kpd siapa aku harus rujuk?kpd siapa aku harus meluahkan?kpd siapa aku harus bercerita?kpd siapa harus aku rujuk?siapa????
melainkan dlm blog ini yg ku anggap mcm diari aku...

tiada sudahkah masalah kwn,tmn,rkn ini dlm kamus hidup aku ni???????


1 comment:

Ana Aisyah said...

i can,insya Allah..to be your honest friend..in your happiness and sadness even i know that i'm not good enough in everything but Insya Allah,i can but everyone has their own people to comfort with so if you feel not comfortable enough with me,you can find the other...(hope you find it)

-the attitude of the friend that we looking for is depends on we own attitude,so that if we want someone that always beside us in our sadness and happiness,we should be such that first,so that you will get one,insyaAllah

Allah itu Maha Adil.
may Allah bless
luv u (^_^)